Thursday, March 18, 2010


Overtime politics has changed tremendously. Instead of truly judging our votes off the candidates intelligence or plan for change we tend to look at their image. It sickens me to believe this is true because it’s not right in my opinion. This isn’t a necessarily new concept but what is new is the enormous spread that’s taken place. The faces we see in magazines, TV, games, movies and in the cool clique at school all appear to be attractive and it’s shocking to know that’s even spread to our presidential history.

The first thing we can judge off a person is their looks so it’s natural that we base relationships off that aspect. But this concept has taken a whole new meaning. In some countries women don’t even see their husband before marriage. The arrangement is made by the parent’s judgment of the man’s community status, family name, job title, etc. and neither have a say. Then there’s America, “Land of the Free”, and we do have a say… Yet many of us won’t even glace at the opposite sex if they’re not up to our standards. We have the opportunity to dig deep and really get to know somebody before marriage. So tell me, why is divorce rate so high? Why is there so much infidelity? How can two strangers keep a marriage going when we can’t? Why are so many of us unhappy with our past presidents when we got to choose them?

I feel that we’ve really let our freedom get the best of us. Without even realizing, we’ve created a monster. We need to become aware of this cycle or it’s just going to keep repeating itself. We still have the freedom but we need to use it in a more positive way and stop choosing political figures off their looks and more off reasoning. Needless to say, I firmly believe that Abe Lincoln would not win any political election; he’s a bit too hard on the eyes for us spoiled Americans.

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